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10 Top Reasons Why Floki was Vikings’ Main Character

Vikings, the acclaimed historical drama series, garnered a massive following due to its intricate storytelling and multifaceted characters.

Within this captivating ensemble, one character stands out as a fan favorite: Floki.


Although Ragnar Lothbrok may have initially taken the spotlight, it becomes increasingly evident that Floki, portrayed by the talented Gustaf Skarsgård, assumes a central role throughout the series.

In this post, we will explore ten compelling reasons why Floki deserves recognition as the main character in Vikings.


1. Unique Personality and Charisma:

Floki possesses a magnetic charm and an eccentric personality that sets him apart. His flamboyant mannerisms, unpredictability, and quick wit make him an unforgettable character. The audience is drawn to his enigmatic nature, and his skillful craftsmanship adds an extra layer of fascination. Floki’s presence on screen is simply impossible to ignore.

2. Deep Connection to Norse Mythology:

Floki’s unwavering faith in the gods and his profound connection to Norse mythology distinguish him from other characters.


He embodies the spiritual aspect of Viking culture and often acts as a bridge between the mortal world and the divine. Floki’s deep understanding of the gods, his ability to interpret their signs and omens, and his unyielding devotion make him a central figure in the show’s exploration of religion.

3. Complex Character Arc:

Floki embarks on a remarkable character arc, replete with trials and tribulations. Initially, he is portrayed as Ragnar’s loyal friend and boat builder.


However, his journey takes a profound turn as he becomes a wanderer, a spiritual leader, and eventually a tormented soul. The evolution of Floki’s character is intricately woven into the series’ overarching narrative, solidifying his role as a main character.

4. Influence on Major Events:

Floki’s actions and decisions ripple through the show, shaping its trajectory. From constructing the iconic longships that enable the Vikings’ legendary raids to discovering new lands and even sowing seeds of division within the Great Heathen Army, Floki’s contributions to the Viking world are immeasurable. He often serves as a catalyst for significant turning points in the story, emphasizing his importance as a main character.


5. Emotional Depth and Vulnerability:

Floki’s emotional depth and vulnerability make him a relatable and deeply impactful character. He grapples with profound grief, guilt, and despair, evoking empathy from the audience. His struggles with faith, the loss of loved ones, and the burden of leadership provide a poignant emotional core to the series, displaying the full range of human emotions.

6. Memorable Relationships:

Floki’s relationships with other characters, such as Ragnar, Athelstan, and Helga, stand out as some of the most memorable and dynamic in the show. His complicated friendship with Ragnar, characterized by loyalty, envy, and admiration, serves as a driving force behind numerous plot developments. Furthermore, Floki’s romantic relationship with Helga and his complex bond with the monk Athelstan add further layers to his character, showcasing his capacity for love and friendship.

7. Iconic Symbolism:

Floki embodies the Viking spirit and symbolism in a truly remarkable manner. He represents the untamed and unpredictable forces of nature, much like the wild seas he navigates. Floki’s mischievous grin, distinctive braided hair, and striking Viking aesthetic have become iconic, instantly recognizable features associated with the show.

8. Mastery of Shipbuilding:

Floki’s exceptional skills as a shipbuilder play a crucial role throughout the series. His craftsmanship enables the Vikings to sail the treacherous seas and embark on their legendary raids. The importance of his contributions to the Viking expeditions cannot be overstated. His ability to construct and innovate ships not only showcases his technical prowess but also highlights his integral role in the Vikings’ exploration and conquests.

9. Catalyst for Conflict and Tension:

Floki’s actions often spark conflicts and tensions within the show, driving the narrative forward. Whether it’s his ideological differences with other characters, his rebellious nature, or his unorthodox methods, Floki’s presence ignites debates and challenges the status quo. His propensity for stirring emotions and challenging authority injects a constant sense of dynamism into the series.

10. Mythical and Mysterious Aura:

Floki possesses a mythical and mysterious aura that surrounds him, captivating both the characters within the show and the audience. Often regarded as an enigma, his deep connection to the gods, his mystical visions, and his intuitive understanding of the natural world give him an otherworldly quality. This ethereal aspect of his character adds a layer of intrigue and fascination, making him an essential component of Vikings’ overall mystique.

So while Vikings boasts a rich ensemble cast, Floki undeniably emerges as a main character in his own right.

His unique personality, deep connection to Norse mythology, complex character arc, and pivotal role in shaping major events all contribute to his significance within the series.

Additionally, his emotional depth, memorable relationships, iconic symbolism, shipbuilding expertise, catalytic nature, and mythical aura further solidify his position as a central figure in Vikings.

Floki’s enduring impact on the show’s narrative and the hearts of viewers cements his status as the main character deserving of recognition and admiration.








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