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Dave Bautista Wants to Play Lex Luthor in the DCU

Could Dave Bautista be the next big-screen Lex Luthor? Well, the actor is interested, so that ball is now in James Gunn’s court. Bautista is certainly no stranger to the superhero movie realm, having worked with Gunn on three Guardians of the Galaxy films along with a holiday special. He also reprised his Drax the Destroyer role in other MCU movies, including last year’s Thor: Love and Thunder, but has said that he’s now finished playing that character.

Could Bautista venture into the DCU next to continue on in superhero movies? It’s very well possible with Gunn mapping out his plans to build out the DCU with fellow DC Studios boss Peter Safran. And Bautista has even set his sights on Lex Luthor as the character he’d most like to play after he saw the suggestion put forth by ComicBook.com journalist Chris Killian.


Dave Bautista Wants to Play Lex Luthor in the DCU | Cinemuny

Responding to the post online, Bautista said, “I never though about that! And now I’m not going be able to stop thinking about it.”


Further speaking with Liam Crowley of ComicBook.com about the potential casting choice, Bautista explained why Lex Luthor appeals to him. He admits that the thought never crossed his mind before seeing that image, but once the idea came up, Bautista was sold on the possibility. He even wants Gunn to know that he’s 100% on board to take on that role, clearly hoping to be considered for the Superman reboot.

“I just never thought about playing that character,” Bautista says. “As soon as I saw that picture of myself next to Lex Luthor I was like, ‘Man, that’s really interesting.’ It’s interesting to me. I’d be totally up for that, James Gunn.”


But What About Bane?

In previous years, Bautista had campaigned for the role of Bane in a Batman movie. However, he now has put that idea to rest, feeling that it’s now too late for him to be a good fit for the part. He says in an Insider interview that he has actually spoken with Gunn about potentially playing Bane, but at 54 years old, Bautista isn’t quite so sure he could bring justice to that role the way he could several years ago, agreeing that a younger actor should be considered for that role.

“You need to start to plan for the next 15 years, and I just don’t think you can do that with me. And I understand that,” Bautista explains. “And, also, I have to say that I appreciate that because I don’t want to play a character that I can’t bring justice to it. I don’t think at this point in my career that I can bring justice to Bane anymore. I just don’t know if I could handle the physical part, and I don’t think I would have the longevity to plan ahead for films. So, I just don’t know if I’d be that guy.”


Reportedly, there are many major announcements that are imminent concerning Gunn’s plans for the DCU. We’ll find out very soon if news on Superman is among these announcements, and perhaps there’s a chance Bautista could suit up as Lex Luthor to be a part of it.


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