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Reports: Watching Horror Movies Can Ruin Your Sleep

According to a recent study by Betway Insider, horror movie fans may want to reconsider their choice of evening entertainment if they want a good night’s sleep. The study found that watching a horror movie ranked at the bottom compared to other activities like reading a book or listening to music. In fact, it’s just about the worst thing you can do if you want high-quality shut-eye.

Watching a horror movie may only provide a sleep quality of 65%, with an average of 26 minutes spent awake during the night and no recommended eight hours of rest. Interestingly, “speaking with family or friends” was also ranked in the bottom three, suggesting that spending time with Freddy Krueger or Jason Voorhees is nearly as desirable as chatting with relatives.


Reports: Watching Horror Movies Can Ruin Your Sleep

Of course, there will always be those who disagree with these findings. Some people find comfort in the blood, gore, and terror of horror movies, and prefer them over other relaxing activities. Ultimately, the choice is yours, but if you find yourself tossing and turning after watching a scary flick, perhaps it’s time to switch to a comedy or a more soothing activity before bedtime.



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