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The New Script: What If Jon Snow Had Stayed Dead?

The death of Jon Snow was one of the most shocking moments in Game of Thrones history.

It was a moment that left fans wondering what the future of the series would look like.


But when Jon Snow was resurrected, it not only changed the course of the story, but it also changed the way viewers thought about the show.

What If Jon Snow Had Stayed Dead?

If Jon Snow had remained dead, it would have been a significant departure from the books on which the series is based.


In the books, Jon Snow is not resurrected, and his death seems to be final. So, what if the show had followed suit and not brought him back to life?

The answer is that the show would have been very different.


Firstly, the storyline at the Wall would have been completely different. With Jon Snow dead, the Night’s Watch would have been left without a leader, and the tension between the Watch and the Wildlings would have continued to escalate.

This would have made it much harder for the Night’s Watch to prepare for the looming threat of the White Walkers.


Without Jon’s leadership, it’s possible that the Night’s Watch would have been overrun, and the White Walkers would have been free to advance southward.

Additionally, the Starks would have lost their most valuable ally. Jon Snow was instrumental in getting the Wildlings to join forces with the North, and without him, the Starks would have been left without an important ally in the fight against the Lannisters and the White Walkers.


This would have made it much harder for them to reclaim Winterfell and rally the North.

Furthermore, the absence of Jon Snow would have changed the dynamic between other characters in the show. Daenerys may not have felt as motivated to come to Westeros without the promise of an alliance with the North, and the North may have been unable to unite behind a different leader. This would have thrown the entire series into chaos and would have made it even harder for the main characters to survive.

Essentially, the resurrection of Jon Snow was a pivotal moment in Game of Thrones history.

It allowed the story to progress in a way that would have been impossible if he had remained dead.

While it’s fascinating to imagine what the show would have been like if he had stayed dead, it’s clear that his resurrection was essential to the overall story arc.

Without him, the show would have been a very different beast, and it’s hard to say whether it would have been better or worse without him.

Regardless, it’s clear that Jon Snow’s resurrection was a turning point for the show and one that fans will remember for years to come.


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