
The Terminal List Season 2: Returning Cast, Plot, and Everything We Know So Far

James Reece's cancer may kill him, but not until he can save the world... again

Despite Chris Pratt’s notable comedic roles in films like Guardians of the Galaxy and his lovable character Andy Dwyer in Parks and Recreation, he showcased his versatility by delivering a stellar performance as the haunted Lieutenant Commander James Reece in the first season of The Terminal List. The intense and gripping narrative kept viewers on the edge of their seats, and the shocking twist in the season finale left audiences reeling.

Now, with the second season on the horizon, anticipation is building. Fans are eagerly awaiting the continuation of this thrilling series, eager to see what lies ahead for James Reece and the complex web of secrets and conspiracies surrounding him. Pratt’s ability to immerse himself in dramatic roles shines through in his portrayal of this haunted character, adding a new layer of depth to his already impressive range as an actor.


As the release of the second season draws closer, audiences can look forward to diving deeper into the intricate storyline, experiencing more intense moments, and uncovering further surprises that await them. The Terminal List promises to deliver another gripping and heart-pounding season, showcasing Chris Pratt’s talent for captivating performances in a more serious and dramatic setting.

When and Where Will The Terminal List Season 2 be Released?

Similar to the first season, the upcoming second season of The Terminal List will be released on Prime Video. However, the specific release date for the new season has not yet been disclosed. Interestingly, it took nearly seven months for the highly successful show to be officially renewed by Amazon, which has sparked curiosity among fans.


One probable reason for this delay is the busy schedule of the show’s star, Chris Pratt. With his involvement in nearly every scene of the first season and his commitment to the production of Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3, it’s understandable that Pratt’s calendar has been quite full. Juggling multiple projects of such magnitude can require significant time and energy, potentially leading to some scheduling complexities.

While the exact reasons behind the renewal delay remain undisclosed, fans can be assured that the second season is on its way. As audiences eagerly anticipate the continuation of The Terminal List, they can rest assured that the show’s creators and cast, including the talented Chris Pratt, are working diligently to deliver another thrilling and captivating season.


Back in September 2022, Chris Pratt and Jack Carr (the author of the book series and an executive producer on the series) gave hope to fans. On Carr’s Danger Close podcast, Pratt said the following

“To the rabid fans of The Terminal List out there, you have nothing to worry about. We love you and appreciate your support. It’s our life’s mission to make sure you can come back to the well. We are working away.”


Jack Carr echoed Pratt’s statement saying:

“There may be some cool stuff on the horizon being discussed.”


Who Is in the Cast of The Terminal List Season 2?

For those who have watched the first season of The Terminal List, it is apparent that very few characters, aside from James Reece, managed to survive the series. As of now, James Reece, portrayed by Chris Pratt, is the only confirmed character to appear in the upcoming season. However, there is a possibility that Constance Wu could return as reporter Katie Buranek, adding depth to the storyline.

Additionally, there are speculations of potential castings, such as Raife Hastings, a character featured in Jack Carr’s sequel novel True Believer. While there haven’t been explicit indications regarding the cast for the upcoming season, fans have turned to the novel for clues and insights.

As the production of the new season progresses, more information about the cast and potential character appearances may be revealed. It will be intriguing to discover which characters will join James Reece in this next chapter of The Terminal List and how they will contribute to the evolving narrative.

Who is Making The Terminal List Season 2?

In exciting news, Jack Carr, the author of the novel that inspired The Terminal List, will be returning as both a writer and executive producer for the show’s upcoming season. This ensures that Carr’s unique vision and storytelling expertise will continue to shape the series. David DiGilio, who served as the showrunner in the previous season, will also be back in the same role for the new season. DiGilio has expressed his enthusiasm for Carr’s novel, True Believer, referring to it as an “epic blueprint for an epic season.”

While the specific details about the other creative minds behind the scenes have yet to be released, it is clear that the show has a strong foundation to build upon. With the return of key individuals like Carr, DiGilio, Chris Pratt, Antoine Fuqua, Max Adams, and Jared Shaw as executive producers, the team has the necessary experience and expertise to ensure the high quality of the upcoming season.

Which Book Will Season 2 of The Terminal List Season 2 be Based on?

Fortunately, we have substantial information regarding the foundation of the upcoming season of The Terminal List. Unlike some other series that deviate significantly from their original novels in terms of chronological order, The Terminal List is expected to follow the pattern established by the six books currently comprising the series. The second book, True Believer, continues the story after Reece’s rampage, depicting his pardon in exchange for working for the CIA. As a bombing in London triggers a global economic crisis, the world spirals into chaos. To capture the essence of the book accurately, I defer to Jack Carr’s own words:

“The book even had its trailer, which has been included below. For those wondering about his cancer, if the TV series were to follow the books, that will not be treated this season. When talking about the accuracy of the books, there have already been some deviations (I mean, isn’t there always a difference between the screen adaptation and the novel?). This is not to imply that this is a bad thing; in fact, with the original author heavily involved, the series still has a high-quality story to be told.”

While the trailer for the second season is not yet available, you can enjoy the trailer for the corresponding book created by none other than Jack Carr himself!

What Do We Know About The Terminal List SpinOff Series?

A prequel series exploring the past of Taylor Kitsch’s character, Ben Edwards, in The Terminal List has been confirmed by Amazon Prime Video. This series will shed light on how Reece’s friend became an unexpected villain. Taylor Kitsch is set to return, and Chris Pratt will make an appearance as James Reece. Other potential characters include Raife Hastings, Mohammed Farooq, and Ernest Boozer Vickers (played by Jared Shaw), who had a brief appearance in season one.

The executive producers for the prequel series will be Jack Carr, Chris Pratt, David DiGilio, and Taylor Kitsch, all of whom were involved in the first season. With their expertise and the action-packed nature of the show, we can expect an engaging exploration of how one of Reece’s closest friends transformed into the formidable adversary we now know him to be.


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