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Woody Allen: Romance of filmaking is gone

In a recent interview with AirMail, veteran director Woody Allen lamented the dwindling allure of filmmaking, expressing uncertainty about his future projects amidst the changing landscape of the industry.

Allen, renowned for classics like “Annie Hall” and “Manhattan,” spoke candidly about his latest film, “Coup de Chance,” his 50th feature, and its delayed release in North American markets. Reflecting on the evolution of film distribution, Allen remarked, “All the romance of filmmaking is gone.” He contrasted the current scenario, where films often have a brief theatrical run before transitioning to digital platforms, with a bygone era where his works would linger in cinemas for months, evoking a sense of longevity and engagement with audiences.


The journey of “Coup de Chance” to reach American audiences was not without its hurdles. Initially showcased at the Venice Film Festival in September 2023, the film faced delays in securing a U.S. release, prompting some eager fans to resort to unofficial channels to access it.

This isn’t the first time Allen has expressed reservations about the contemporary filmmaking landscape. In 2022, he acknowledged feeling disillusioned with the streaming era, citing a loss of thrill. His latest remarks indicate that he remains ambivalent about diving into new projects. While still harboring numerous ideas, Allen confessed reluctance in navigating the process of fundraising, though he admitted he might find it hard to resist if presented with a compelling opportunity.



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